Hello World! Check in with us here to see the adventures of 17 Mexican students as they explore Denton and the surrounding area, learning English all the while.
Friday, July 16, 2010
DiScOvErY pArK
Thursday, July 15, 2010
On Thursday the advanced class made presentation about the best place to go for a vacation. Everyone did a great job - most people either chose a country in South America, or the coldest place they could think of. The videos will be on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/user/lheidler3. (Let me know if you have trouble finding them - I've never done it this way before.
Tour of the Chemistry Building
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
At 2:15 I took the workshop abot presentatios and was so good and I learned what to do and what no to do.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I am writing these lines to acknowledge for the t-shirt and the pen you kindly gave to us as a present. Also, I would like to say that the English course has been a great experience since I have had the opportunity not only to practice my skills, but also to learn more about this university and its people. The workshops we are attending in the afternoons have been very useful because they have allowed us to improve our knowledge of English and also to practice our listening with different accents.
Our teachers have been very professional and they have really done their best.
Thank you Amber B.!!!
We mean greeN!
Thank You Amber!

I am really glad about the present you gave us... It is a pretty souvenir for all the students from UAEM.
Until now it is has been an amazing experience to be in here and I hope to meet you one of these days...
Thank you Amber
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Dallas Rocks!!!
this is one of my favorite photo
a hard Monday!!!!1

This weekend we’ve been walking a lot, since doing shopping or
Visiting some places. I wonder how will be we tomorrow morning in
our respective workshops? (If some of these
pictures are similar to one of us tomorrow, it’s a simple coincidence
We know what really happen!
11:30 We arrive
11:32 We are lost
12:15 Aquarium yeahhhhhh! We love the animals especially manati, frogs because there are a lot of kind of this reptile.
We learn a lot, and we are experts in jaguar and sloth!
2:30 Keneddy's museum. We follow the criminal investigation, it was very interesting.
3:00 We have our conclusion: Conspiracy!

Ana Ruth Hernandez Diaz
Rocio Jimenez Martinez
Friday, July 9, 2010
DrEsSeS dAy
HeLlo SaNtA fE fRiEnDs!!
Advanced Class: A funny day in the Golden Triangle Mall
Thursday, July 8, 2010
ThE FiRsT tOuR iN tHe MaIn SqUaRe
The best building ever!

We took a tour around the UNT, the sun was shining and it was so hard to walk with that weather, we sweated a lot, but it was fine to know more about buildings, activities and services in UNT.
After the tour we were so tired, anyway we had our first workshops. We decided to go to one called “Warm ups” and was so funny. We also participate in the workshop “writing e-mails that get result” which was so useful and Dr. Brenda Sims is a nice person.
Nancy Martinez and Elva Vazquez

To stay at the University of North Texas has been one of the greatest experiences we’ve had in our lives. We are enjoying the travel in this beautiful university.
We would say that the first day of our travel (July, 3), we spent it at the airports as the Mexican as the American side.

After our arrival we set up in our respective dorms, waiting for the celebration of the American Independence in the stadium of the university. Meanwhile we could visit some of the facilities of the school. The university has all the facilities that a good school should have so we are surprised. We think that the dorms are comfortable (we think so).